How Will Sudden Cold Weather Impact Your Roof?

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Winter is officially just around the corner, and the upcoming cold weather will be the norm within a few weeks. Usually, Texas tends to start off its winter season with a big snap of cold weather- and we sometimes don’t see it coming in time to make the proper preparations for it. First Out Roofing is here to help you get an idea of what to expect when it comes to how your roof will be able to handle the season’s first big freeze.

Sudden Cold And Ice Can Make Cracks

When rain and snow and anything else freezes in the cold weather, it becomes rigid and takes up more space. Your roof isn’t made to be able to accommodate all that space that ice suddenly makes, and cracks can start forming in the bases of your shingles. Particularly if your roof is very new or very old, it would be a great idea to have your shingles checked out by a professional before the cold weather blows in.

Cold Weather Can Create Freeze-and-Thaw Cycles

After that first wave of cold weather, ice can freeze along your roof and all its elements such as shingles and exterior framework. When that ice freezes, it creates a lot of space and pressure in those areas. Unfortunately, if your roof is in, let’s say, less than stellar condition, the cold weather sometimes makes it impossible for that moisture to evaporate completely before it freezes all over again. That cycle can force your roof to take on way more pressure than it’s designed to handle. Luckily, you can stay ahead of this by having your roof examined at the start of the season

Be Prepared For That First Big Freeze

Especially in Texas, the difference between the warm and cold months can be huge. Over the spring, summer, and autumn, you and your roof have enjoyed months of warm weather, not to mention the blistering heat that the middle of summer brings. When the first big freeze of the winter rolls around, many homeowners haven’t taken the time to double check their roofs to make sure they can handle the changing temperatures. 

You know the weather is going to start getting colder around this time of year, so why not take advantage of that? Before the bitter cold sets in, call First Out Roofing to have a professional come out and review your roof for you. We can have one of our roofing experts out there to look for your roof’s problems before they have a chance to be exploited by the weather.

Call First Out Roofing

When cold weather starts blowing in, don’t wait around for problems to pop up before calling in the experts. There are many things you can do to prepare your roof for the cold weather, and First Out Roofing is here to help make sure you don’t have any nasty surprises to worry about when the ice and snow start to hit. Call us today to schedule an inspection!

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First Out Roofing is a Dallas and Fort Worth-based roofing company that specializes in residential and commercial roofing, insurance claims, and roof repair. All work and materials are covered by insurance certifications. To have a qualified, fully trained specialist evaluate your roof and, if necessary, provide an estimate, call us immediately.

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